Database of Notable Swiss Families
For the past 20 years, we’ve carried out extensive research on hundreds of families at places like the Ticino State Archives in Bellinzona, State Archives of Zurich, and Family History Library in Salt Lake City, USA. The fascinating and diverse cultural heritage of the Switzerland has enabled us to gain a wealth of expertise in a wide variety of subject areas relating to Swiss genealogy and family history, and many of the families we've worked on are available for review on this site. Research can be carried out for you in the four main languages of Switzerland, which include French, German, Italian, and Romansh. If you’re looking for assistance with your project, we have extensive research experience in all parts of Switzerland, as well as countries that your ancestors might have emigrated to like the United States, Canada, Australia, and elsewhere. Please click the link below if you’d like to hire our team to assist you with a custom-made genealogy project in any of these places.
Evidence for humans in Switzerland dates back to 400,000 years ago, although permanent habitation of the country began about 10,000 years ago with the end of the last Ice Age. The oldest city in Switzerland is Chur, which was settled sometime between 3,900 and 3,500 BCE. During the Iron Age in Switzerland (800-15 BCE), the country was populated by a number of different ethic groups including the Hallstatt and La Tène cultures, and later by the Gauls, Helvetii, Vindelici, Lepontii, and Raetians. In 15 BCE, most of Switzerland was incorporated into the Roman Empire. After 476 CE, in the post-Roman era and Early Middle Ages, Switzerland was controlled by various Germanic tribes, and later by Christian kingdoms like the Burgundians and Carolingians. The modern-day political boundaries of Switzerland really began with the Old Swiss Confederacy, which began in 1291 and ended in 1798. Perhaps your ancestors played a part in this fascinating history, and left behind important documentation that connects to your present-day genealogy? To help get you started on this exciting voyage of discovery, we’ve assembled an expert team of genealogists to help you uncover your unique Swiss heritage.
If you’re doing research on your own, we’d recommend leaving no stone unturned in the search for your family by using all of the available Swiss genealogy databases and other resources at your disposal. Sites like FamilySearch,, MyHeritage all have extensive databases relating to Swiss genealogy. In addition, DNA testing of family members through services by 23andMe, AncestryDNA, and FamilyTreeDNA could also help you identify many previously unknown branches of your tree. If you’d also like the help of a professional research team, we have carried out extensive on-ground-research at repositories like the Archivio di Stato in Bellinzona, State Archives in Zurich, and Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. If you'd like to learn more about your Swiss ancestors, our team can assist you at all of these places.
If you’d like to learn more about your own family history and are interested in building a high-quality, well-documented tree, we'd love to help. We're passionate about genealogy and would welcome the opportunity to assist you with creating an exciting record of your ancestors that can be enjoyed for many generations to come. Our professional research team can gather records for you in all parts of Switzerland, as well as many countries your ancestors might have emigrated to. The surnames listed below belong to some of the most noteworthy in Switzerland, whose families have been thoroughly documented on our site. Please click on the links below to visit some of the pages we've created on these families, which might give you some idea about what we could also achieve for you during a typical genealogy project in Switzerland or elsewhere. Our on-the-ground team of researchers, who live in places like Zurich, Geneva, and Bellinzona, can help you find your ancestors in Switzerland, as well as places like the United States, Canada, Australia, and elsewhere. Thanks for visiting our site and good luck with your research!
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